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HomeAnti-AgingAnti-Aging Tip SheetsBenefits Of Jumping Exercises

Benefits Of Jumping Exercises

From improving strength and power, stimulating metabolism, increasing oxygen capacity, helping to build muscle, increasing heart rate and fat burning to improving co-ordination and improving sense of balance this article originally posted on BigBlueTest written by Scott Casey draws attention to the benefits and what is to gain from jumping exercises:

What would you prefer more between jumping and running? Would you still be running in the morning if told that jumping is far more beneficial an exercise? Probably not, and this sums up the case.

You should know that:

  • Jumping involves most of bodily muscles to bring far-reaching benefits to the body
  • Your regular jumping boosts the level of oxygen to the body to bring instant and long-term benefits
  • When you do jump on regular basis, it boosts the G-force and improves your balance ability

It’s true that most of us are still not aware of the potential and benefits of jumping, but this is purely for lack of awareness. Either we were never told the benefits and virtues of jumping or we did not bother knowing them.

Whether you know or not, jumping is a total body exercise and brings a range of health benefits. It’s simple and fun, and most importantly, it does not require too much physical exertion.

It does not bore you and the best part, one can accommodate their jumping sessions in-between their daily fitness routines. Your 10-minutes of jumping daily is some three times more beneficial than running or jogging.

So, why run for hours when you can benefit without it? Jumping is something that will delight you together with enriching the body in many ways. It makes your fit and brings overall health benefits.

Let’s look at some of major health benefits of jumping:

Stronger Bones

How to strengthen the bones and stop brittle bone disease? Many would recommend visiting an orthopaedic surgeon. This route is fine if there is any issue but what to do as a precautionary measure? Go jumping and make your bones stronger. With regular jumping, you toughen up the bones and boost mineral content through creating pressures on the bones. With each of your landing doubling the level of gravity, it helps bones a great deal.

Better Co-ordination

Jumping involves maintaining and balancing coordination between different parts of the body. As almost all muscles and functions in the body are used while we jump, it’s therefore important to understand the virtues of keeping harmony amongst them all. And once you become aware of coordination, you remain active and fit.

Feel energetic

Jumping makes people feel more energetic and refreshed. We feel more recharged immediately after concluding a jump session. It feels as if we have drunk an energy boost, as this is how we feel. Did you ever try to know why? Simply because jumping allows more oxygen to reach the body, or it increases the oxygen circulation in the body.

Normalization of blood pressure

A lot of health issues happen when the blood pressure level is not normal in the body. We need to visit a doctor the moment our blood pressure deviates from its normal functioning or efficiency. That’s why people always try to get to keep their blood pressure normal and keep cardiovascular diseases away. And this is where jumping helps a lot by keeping things normal. That apart, it perks up the activity of red bone marrow to influence the production of red blood cells.

 Boost to lymphatic system

It’s important that the lymphatic system in the body is stimulated and kept clean on a regular basis. By doing so, the circulation of lymphatic fluid is boosted. And if more lymphatic fluid circulates in the system, more toxins are kept out of the body. And once the body is free from toxins, it means the immune system is enhanced and the body becomes more sensitive in keeping diseases out.

Weight loss

Jumping is great to help you lose weight and gain a fit body. When you jump, more calories are burnt and your metabolism improves. You won’t gain weight or you can lose weight if you do a 10-minute jumping on a daily basis. Stop those running sessions as they won’t benefit as much as jumping does. Get three-times more impactful results and stop obesity from reaching you.

Improved digestion

Having improved digestion means your body is free from many potential health problems and risks. So, anything that betters digestion should be grabbed. When you go jumping, it contracts and relaxes muscles to clean the digestive tract. With this cleaning, digestion perks up and you are saved a lot of bodily discomfiture.

Be free from depression and stress

Did you know that your regular jumping sessions keep you away from stress and depression? When you do jump, it helps in stabilization of the nervous system. This stabilization induces the release of a substance – serotonin – which is effective against problems related to stress and depression. So you can include jumps in your daily exercise routine to stay anxiety-free.

Superior mental performance

Do you know that we learn easily and quickly when we’re happy? If you did not, don’t worry, just try to be as happy as it could be. This way, you grasp things far easier and speedily than those in an unhappy state. Our mental faculties get improved when we are happy and this leads to superior mental performance. Even medical sciences have confirmed this long ago. So, include jumping in your daily exercise regimen and turn your learning process sharper.

Fatigue-free existence

Our frequent bouts of fatigue has a lot to do with the kind of stamina and endurance we possess. We may feel fatigued and tired easily and quickly if our level of stamina is not good. Similarly, physical flexibility and agility play a big role in the manner we feel either exhausted or worn out. If we’re not flexible or our agility level is not good, we are more likely to feel fatigued. Your regular sessions of jumping boost your flexibility, agility, stamina and endurance.


It’s quite obvious that jumping brings much more health benefits that anyone could even think of. And given the level of fun and simplicity involved in it, you should include it in your daily exercise schedules. After all, being fit should be fun not a boring affair.

About the Author:

Scott Casey discovered his love for fitness training as a sophomore. As he moved to Texas, he picked up various skills and techniques including CrossFit, HIIT, Yoga and even resistance training. He got certified as a fitness trainer in 2011, and since then, he has gone on to work for some of the most reputed names in the industry. He has always believed in the power of good old exercise and a healthy diet as the antidote to any and everything. In his free time, Scott is usually found playing with his two Pitbulls, Marley and Marmaduke.

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This article is not intended to provide medical diagnosis, advice, treatment, or endorsement.


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