Chronic psychological stress has a profound effect on many aspects of health – from mental to physical parameters. Anthony Ong, from The Pennsylvania State University (Pennsylvania, USA), and colleagues studied 870 middle-aged and older adults, finding that those who had difficulty maintaining positive emotional perspectives during times of stress tended to be particularly at-risk for elevated inflammatory markers –in particular, interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein. As a result, there is an increased risk for cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. Writing that: “Adults who fail to maintain positive affect when faced with minor stressors in everyday life appear to have elevated levels of IL-6, a marker of inflammation,” the study authors should mentor: “These findings add to growing evidence regarding the health implications of affective reactivity to daily stressors.”
Positive Perspective Promotes Health
Sin NL, Graham-Engeland JE, Ong AD, Almeida DM. “Affective Reactivity to Daily Stressors Is Associated With Elevated Inflammation.” Health Psychol. 2015 Jun 1.