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HomeBrain and Mental PerformanceMental HealthLock Downs: Many Americans Are At Their Breaking Points

Lock Downs: Many Americans Are At Their Breaking Points

100% of the respondents agree that they will snap if restrictions and stay at some orders continue for another 6 months, 72% think they might be able to last until mid-June at best before reaching their breaking point, but 1 in 4 adults report having already reached their wits’ end already. The top drivers for breaking points include loneliness, frequent arguments, and constant anxiety. 

At the time of the survey commission by Kelton Global, the data shows that the emotional toll is indeed heavier for some, breaking this down by gender, 20% of the female respondents reported having already reached their breaking point versus 20% of males reporting the same. 35% of those between the ages of 18-24 were at their breaking point versus 22% of those aged 45+, and 39% of those experiencing financial difficulties were at their breaking points vs 17% among those who are financially comfortable. 

Younger Americans appear to be especially susceptible to breaking down, at the time the youngest respondents expected to reach their breaking points within 4 weeks with 80% reporting that they could only handle another two months of lockdown. 

69% of Americans feel extremely worried about flying on an airplane again, 76% are worried about taking a cruise again, 62% worry about going to a restaurant, and 58% are worried about using public transportation or ride-sharing services. More troublesome is that 53% of the respondents feel the same way about going to the hospital if they need to be seen for a medical emergency. Of those concerned about going on a cruise, 43% anticipate the fear never subsiding and of those worried about dining out 21% believe the fear will last forever. 

“Our findings highlight the increasingly serious implications of stay-at-home orders, and puts some urgency on the actions of politicians and organizations who try to manage the COVID-19 fallout,” comments Kelton Global’s Chief Insights Officer Dr. Martin Eichholz.

Most Americans are being driven to this point by loneliness, arguments, extreme worry, and constant anxiety. 64% of the respondents are more concerned for the health of a loved one over themselves, with 53% reporting that their primary worry was for their personal health. 

69% believe that they will be permanently changing at least one of their behaviors even after the restrictions are lifted if they ever are. 75% believe that air travel may never return to what it once was, 71% feel the same about sporting events/concerts, 61% regarding movie theaters, 66% feel the same about hotels, and 68% of the respondents felt that the economy was on the wrong track. 

According to this survey of 1895 Americans over the age of 18, 72% expected to reach their breaking point by mid-June and 100% said they would snap if all of this lasts for another 6 months. Time may be running out as this survey was conducted April 3-6, 2020 and at that time 16% of the respondents reported that they had already hit their breaking points, and another 25% reported that they believed they would hit theirs within the following 2 weeks. Based on this, by now at least 1 in 4 Americans will have likely reached their wits’ end already.

In America, we just passed the one-year anniversary of 14 days to flatten the curve. As numbers are being adjusted down due to testing being too sensitive creating false positives and inaccurate reporting Americans all over the country are growing more and more impatient. Some of the ridiculous mandates in certain states are not helping either, such as outdoor dining only being allowed if there are no televisions on while other states have little to no imposed restrictions.

As each governor and state charts their own course during this outbreak, one thing is clear; Americans are not going to be able to withstand lockdowns and extensive restrictions for much longer. Research is showing that mental health has been taking a massive hit with 1 in 6 Americans beginning therapy for the first time during 2020 for at least one symptom of mental trauma. When taken together with events seen in recent months, if restrictions and lockdowns continue data suggests that we could possibly see further escalations with larger numbers of protestors and violations. 

As with anything you read on the internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice; please talk to your doctor or primary care provider before making any changes to your wellness routine.

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