Wednesday, October 16, 2024
HomeNutritionDietThe Day After Tummy Troubles

The Day After Tummy Troubles

Half of Americans overeat during the holiday season, and around two-thirds are concerned about what all the festive feasts can do to their gut health. While 72% of the respondents look forward to enjoying the foods that have become associated with the holiday season, 65% report that this is the hardest time of year due to the temptations on their diet and weight goals

3 in 4 say that they tend to eat more often throughout the day during the holiday season, and 76% report that their eating habits also change more throughout the day during the holiday season more so than at any other time of the year. 

51% report that during the holiday season, they either often or always feel like they have eaten too much. As a result of overeating 56% report experiencing occasional constipation, 49% get indigestion, and 45% battle with acid reflux. 48% of the respondents believe that the changes to their routines and eating habits over the holiday season affect their experiences with constipation. 

Findings from the analysis reveal that 93% of the participants experience occasional constipation, and of those 43% experience it often or all the time. However, 7 in 10 respondents report that constipation happens more frequently during the holiday season, and 69% also believe that it occurs more often when traveling for the holidays. 

As for what is causing their potty troubles, 44% think that eating too much turkey is the reason they become constipated, 41% think it’s due to pecan pie, and 39% think that potatoes are the culprit behind their occasional constipation. But the respondents don’t think it was just the food alone stuffing them up, 45% think that drinking chocolate milk didn’t help with the digestive upset, 38% think that drinking non-alcoholic eggnog didn’t help out their situation, and 38% believe that hot cocoa is also behind their occasional constipation. 

“Of course, any change to our habits can have an impact on how our bodies react and digest our foods,” says spokesperson Dr. Marjorie Marin, medical director at Prunelax, in a statement. “But in the midst of the holiday buzz, it’s all too easy to ignore what we’re putting our bodies through, between holiday travel, changes in our dietary habits, and a shift in how and what we consume that differs from our everyday diet.”

67% of the respondents are concerned about holiday meals causing them digestive upset and discomfort. 7 in 10 reports spending more time in the bathroom during the holiday season than they would normally, which they say is due to their tummy troubles brought on by overeating and changes in their routines and eating habits. 51% of the respondents will consume some sort of digestive aid before eating to try and avoid tummy troubles, 53% will drink more water, 47% take acid reflux medication, 45% eat more fiber, and 27% will try naturally based laxatives to remedy constipation. 

“Above all else, the best thing you can do for your body is listen to it,” continues Dr. Marin. “Not paying attention to how your body is processing holiday meals can leave you feeling uncomfortable. Listen to your body and take the necessary measures to prevent digestive discomfort before it happens.”

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As with anything you read on the internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice; please talk to your doctor or primary care provider before changing your wellness routine. This article is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis, recommendation, treatment, or endorsement.

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