Wednesday, October 16, 2024
HomeGI-DigestiveBehind The Bathroom Door

Behind The Bathroom Door

If one is not having proper bowel movements it may be a sign of a variety of things, such as low stomach acid, leaky gut, dysbiosis, or improper nutrition. If things are moving through the system too fast or too slow you could be at increased risk for a number of chronic health conditions such as inflammatory, neurological , and autoimmune disease. Regulating bowel movement frequency has been found in one study to have a role in preventing certain cancers.

Unhealthy stool could be a sign of digestive issues, or you could be lacking in many nutrients from healthy food. Not absorbing required amounts of nutrition through effective digestion and elimination is the equivalent of flush that hard earned money down the drain too.

You may be wondering whether a particular evacuation schedule gets the number two thumbs up over another, or whether it needs improvement. Some experts suggest that between 5 to 21 bodily waste movements per week is within normal range.

Number of trips to the cold white shrine aren’t necessarily the key factor, rather it’s the process, shape, colour, and texture that could indicate possible issues. Having trouble making a bowel movement, experiencing pain, having to strain, and not feeling cleaned out afterwards could indicate a problem. If excrement is particularly smelly, unusual colour, contains undigested food, or any other visible abnormalities you may need to make some changes. Believe it or not there is actually a poop chart called the Bristol Stool Chart to help guide people, if your doodoo isn’t falling somewhere within that middle zone, it’s worth making some adjustments as droppings are an important sign of overall health worthy of putting some effort into, and there are plenty of things one can try to help optimize that visit to the porcelain throne.

Probiotics are all the rage as they are vital to consume, but prebiotics are just as important, they help feed good gut bacteria and encourage their proliferation. Good sources of prebiotics include onions, leeks, plantains, and asparagus.

Hydration is vital for the entire body, that also applies for healthy trips to the loo. Lemon water helps to kick that up a notch by firing up digestion and detoxification. Drinking a big glass in the morning may help to resolve any caca issues.

Diets that contain bitter flavors can help to stimulate digestion and detox. Incorporating foods such as ginger, radicchio, and dandelion greens may also help to resolve any issue going number two.

Maintaining a stable daily routine can help keep your dung schedule stay healthy. Holding grudges and grievances can actually prevent proper functioning of the large intestine and back up the works, according to traditional Chinese medicine, taking time to express yourself in a healthy way to feel lighter may well have literal meaning too.

Physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day has been associated by studies with more frequent bowel movements, moving your body really moves things.

Yoga poses and detoxifying, relaxing breathwork can help to kick start the rest and digest system to help move those turds and other things through the system with more ease.

Including more good fats into the diet will help to nourish and lubricate tissues and ensure that process of elimination is running smoothly. Good choice include avocados, wild caught salmon, and coconut oil.

Magnesium can help to support better potty habits. Spinach, seeds, cocoa, almonds, coffee, bananas, are all good sources of magnesium; any coffee drinker can confirm it gets you going in more than one way.

Consuming more vegetables of at least seven servings can help to add fiber and ensure the digestive system is working smoothly. A more healthy diet can help to eliminate foods that may be upsetting your squat and drop schedule.

Changing posture can actually help, such as if you sit all day or worse slouch it could impact your feces; try using better posture and taking standing breaks.

Massage or acupressure may help with more regular excreta such as Sea of Energy point by using two finger widths below the belly button, or Center of Power point halfway between the belly button and solar plexus, on either point you press no more than an inch deep to apply gentle pressure for 30 second which may help to get those turds flowing.

Diarrhea or constipation may mean that you’re eating something the body can’t tolerate. Try a process of elimination diet to investigate and remove those items hindering proper ordure schedule from your diet, or talk to your health practitioner to find out if you have possible hidden allergies.

On a side note, I hope the little puns made during this article provided a laugh, laughing is said to be able to help free blockages and promote smooth flow. Puntastic potty humour isn’t my favourite thing, but it’s definitely a solid number two. 


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