Previous studies have suggested that strawberry powder helps to lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and improve the LDL-to-HDL profile. Susan J. Zunino, from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Western Human Nutrition Research Center (California, USA), and colleagues completed a study involving 20 obese but otherwise healthy subjects, ages 20 to 50 years. Each subject consumed the daily equivalent of four servings of frozen strawberries as a freeze-dried powder in a milkshake, yogurt, cream cheese, or beverage; or the same products with no added powder. After three weeks, total cholesterol decreased by 4%, and the LDL-to-HDL profile improved, in the strawberry powder-consuming subjects. Noting that 2 g of fiber are present in every 100 g of strawberries, the researchers submit that fiber may be responsible for the cholesterol-lowering benefits of strawberries. The study authors conclude that: “Dietary strawberry powder reduced risk factors for [cardiovascular disease], stroke and diabetes in obese volunteers, suggesting a potential role for strawberries as a dietary means to decrease obesity-related disease.”
Strawberry Boosts Heart Health
Susan J. Zunino, Mardi A. Parelman, Tammy L. Freytag, Charles B. Stephensen, Darshan S. Kelley, Bruce E. Mackey, Leslie R. Woodhouse, Ellen L. Bonnel. “Effects of dietary strawberry powder on blood lipids and inflammatory markers in obese human subjects.” British J Nutr., 9 November 2011.