Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Spice It Up

Spicy food fans may just live longer, chili pepper eaters may just live up to two decades longer as suggested by a major study from the University of Vermont involving more than 16,000 participants that concluded chili pepper eaters can cheat the clock for an average of 18.9 years longer than those who don’t. Another study had similar results suggesting that it may be capsaicin ability to kick off a chain of reactions that activates transient receptor potential channels and also slows down obesity.


Cardamom is a mix of the seeds of several plants with several health benefits. This pricey spice can help to lower blood pressure, and is an anti-inflammatory, it may help to reduce symptoms of asthma, hypertension, epilepsy, and gut problems. Research is still in its infancy but has promising signs of being more than just an exotic taste, it may also help to ward off cancer. 


Cinnamon isn’t just good for the body it’s also good for the mind with evidence suggesting it may help increase cognitive performance with its sodium benzoate content that helps the brain retain information. Cinnamon packs more than a little warm punch to the taste buds, its antioxidants help to reduce inflammation, studies suggest it may also reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure.


Garlic is considered by some to be the most healthiest foods around, with a long resume carrying benefits that were recognized even by ancient Egypt. Garlic has a great deal of science to back up most age old beliefs to go along with it being a wonderful culinary addition. Garlic is rich in vitamins, manganese and a variety of nutrients that can help recovery from a common cold, among other benefits. Garlic has been the subject of many studies, one has shown that daily consumption of garlic can reduce annual sick days by as much as 61%.


Turmeric has long been valued in traditional Indian medicines due to its ability to significantly boost the body’s antioxidant capacity which can help to reduce risks of various health problems associated with aging, most notably its potential to reduce risks of age related brain diseases. One small study found evidence to suggest that it may be effective at treating symptoms of depression.


This is just a small sampling of the impressive benefits of just a few spices that will make great additions to a range of culinary dishes as they work to benefit health, all the more reason to spice up your life.



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