Smaller snack portions can be as effective in decreasing cravings or feelings of hunger as larger portions. Ellen van Kleef, from Wageningen University (the Netherlands) enrolled 104 subjects in a study in which each received either a small portion, or a substantially larger portion of, common snack foods such as chocolate, apple pie, and potato chips. The team found that smaller portions suitably satisfied self-rated feelings of hunger and cravings, as compared to larger portions. Whereas larger portions can increase calorie intake by as much as 77%, the study authors urge that: “smaller portions satisfy hunger and cravings similar to larger portions.”
Small Satisfactions
Ellen van Kleef, Mitsuru Shimizu, Brian Wansink. “Just a bite: Considerably smaller snack portions satisfy delayed hunger and craving.” Food Quality and Preference, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 96-100.