Wednesday, March 19, 2025
HomeWomen's HealthQuality Sleep Eludes Women

Quality Sleep Eludes Women

Poor quality sleep, frequent interruptions in sleep duration, and  waking earlier than desired are commonplace in today’s 24/7 society. Paivi Polo-Kantola, from the University of Turku (Finland), and colleagues surveyed 850 mothers about their sleep when they were 42 years old, on average. Sixty percent of the study subjects reported waking up frequently at night, and 42% experienced morning sleepiness with 32% plagued by daytime sleepiness. The team observed that postmenopausal hot flashes and night sweats further increased the difficulties with sleep. Observing that: “Chronic diseases and use of medications was associated with various sleep disturbances,” the study authors observe that: “Almost one-quarter of middle-aged women is dissatisfied with their quality of sleep.”

Paivi Polo-Kantola, Antti Laine, Minna Aromaa, Paivi Rautava, Juha Markkula, Tero Vahlberg Biostatistician, Matti Sillanpaa.  “A population-based survey of sleep disturbances in middle-aged women – Associations with health, health related quality of life and health behavior.”  Maturitas, 4 December 2013.


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