A record-setting 4,500-plus delegates and 500 corporate leaders from 90 nations participated in the world’s premier scientific conference on topics relating to medical interventions to prevent and treat the diseases and disabilities associated with the biological process of aging. Co-sponsored by The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M; www.worldhealth.net), the world’s largest professional medical society dedicated to advancing research and clinical pursuits that enhance the quality, and extend the quantity, of the human lifespan, the Winter 2010 Session of the 18th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies took place December 9-11, 2010 at The Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
Featured presentations by world-renowned medical experts at The Winter 2010 Session of the 18th Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies included: |
Friday Keynote speaker and celebrity author Suzanne Somers received ovations from a standing-room only audience when she observed that: ”The current template of medicine will be obsolete in ten years or less.“
Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, opened the General Session, outlining the merits of the anti-aging medical model in terms of society-wide longevity gains. |
Continuing Opening Remarks, Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP, highlighted the global reach of the A4M’s co-sponsored educational programs in anti-aging/ regenerative medicine. |
Ken Dychtwald, PhD, North America´s foremost visionary on the lifestyle, marketing, healthcare and workforce implications of the Age Wave, delivered the Thursday Keynote presentation on ”Searching for the Fountain of Health.“ |
Sangeeta Pati, MD, founder and Medical Director of SaJune Medical Center (Orlando, Florida USA), utilized case studies to ”Put It All Together: Hormones, Nutrition, and Detoxification“ |
Lena Edwards, MD, founder and Director of Balance Health & Wellness Center (Lexington, Kentucky USA), introduced the audience to the diagnosis and treatment of Adrenal Fatigue. |
Joseph C. Maroon, MD, Professor and Vice Chairman of Neurological Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience (Pennsylvania, USA), oriented delegates on ”Concussion: An Alternative Approach to Brain Recovery and Treatment.“ |
Fellowship in Integrative Therapy Director Mark Rosenberg, MD, explained ”Cancer Cell pH Manipulation Therapy.“ |
Explains Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, A4M President: ”Anti-aging medicine promises a healthier, happier, more productive and longer lifespan for all peoples of the world. This Congress Session’s record-setting attendance of 5,000-plus attendees demonstrates that anti-aging medicine is not happening by chance – it is happening by choice. As the leading organizational body in the anti-aging medical movement, the A4M represents a major and international revolution in healthcare that is now underway. Time is on our side: because A4M’s time is now.“
Continuing, Dr. Klatz adds that: ”The World Health Network, at www.worldhealth.net, the official educational website of the A4M, is the Internet’s #1 ranked website for anti-aging education. Worldhealth.net provides timely and unbiased news and information in all arenas of advanced preventative medicine. Worldhealth.net also serves as a leading resource for health-conscious consumers seeking expert insights to improve the quality of their lives: |
A free educational service produced by the A4M, the Longevity Magazine™ e-Journal features weekly headlines relating to wellness, prevention, and biotech advancements in longevity. Join 75,000+ opt-in subscribers at: www.worldhealth.net |
The A4M announces The WHN Forum for Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine, a Global Discussion Group on Issues Affecting Health and Longevity. Participate in over 90 topical threads, or post your question, at: www.worldhealth.net/forum |
Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP, A4M Chairman, observes that ”Founded in 1992 with 12 physicians, the A4M today represents over 24,000 physicians and scientists from 110 nations worldwide. Renowned around the world for the high caliber of speakers, delegates, and international government officials in attendance, the Annual World Congress is the leading scientific conference at which the world’s leading physicians, health practitioners, and scientists gather to learn the latest advancements in preventive medicine and emerging biomedical technologies.“ |
Via the Board Certification, Fellowships, and Masters programs, the A4M is the global academic leader in advanced postgraduate education in anti-aging & regenerative medicine. At this Congress Session, the Fellowship in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine program congratulated its fourth graduating class, as well as its next group of Advanced Fellows in Anti-Aging, Regenerative Medicine and Functional Medicine. Additionally, The Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy commemorated its first graduating class. |
Ronald Klatz, MD, DO (left), Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP (second from left) and Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH – Director of the Fellowship in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (right), congratulate the program’s graduating Fellows and Advanced Fellows |
Ronald Klatz, MD, DO (left), Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP (second from left) and Mark Rosenberg, MD – Director of the Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy (right), commemorate the program’s first graduating class. |
Nearly 200 individuals were acknowledged in their successful completion of these Fellowships. There are over 400 Fellowship-trained physicians and practitioners are now enrolled in the Anti-Aging Master’s program – offered at the University of South Florida and at international universities around the world. Observes Dr. Goldman: ”Each of the Fellowship graduates is to be commended for their commitment to maintaining and expanding their knowledge base in this clinical specialty. They are the elite core of anti-aging medicine and represent the future of healthcare innovation.“
Comments Dr. Klatz: ”The momentum of the anti-aging medical movement cannot be denied. Despite the global economic downturn, patients around the world continue to seek solutions to help them to extend their years of health and vitality.“ At the co-located Las Vegas Anti-Aging Exposition, over 300 corporate booths displayed the latest technologies from the medical and biotech market aimed at improving and/or extending the human lifespan. The worldwide anti-aging marketplace was valued at $96.89 Billion in 2008. Growing at a compounded annual rate of 8.78% over the period 2001-2010, the global anti-aging marketplace is projected to reach $291.9 Billion by 2015. [”Anti-Aging Products – Executive Summary“ p. II-1, in ”Anti-Aging Products: A Global Strategic Business Report: MCP-1107,“ Global Industry Analysts, Inc., San Jose, CA. March 2008; ”Anti-Aging Products: A Global Market Report,“ Global Industry Analysts, Inc., San Jose, CA. March 2009.] |
The Spring 2011 Session of the 19th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies will feature more than 80 noted medical experts speaking on topics including: Advanced Hormone Replacement Therapies, Anti-Obesity Protocols and Weight Management, Environmental Toxins and Detoxification Methods, Cancer Laboratory Measures and Markers, Immune Rejuvenation, Genomics and Genetic Testing, and more. The Spring Congress takes place 7-9 April 2011 in Orlando, Florida USA. For program details and to register, visit http://www.worldhealth.net/orlando/ |