Thursday, October 17, 2024
HomeExerciseOvercoming Weight Loss Plateau

Overcoming Weight Loss Plateau

Researchers have found that there is a group of people called nonresponders whose bodies won’t respond to typical moderate intensity exercise programs according to the study by the American Council on Exercise. 36% of the participants in the study were nonresponders and a traditional cardio and strength training exercise program yielded minimal results to bodily function.


A nonresponder can escape the plateau by switching up their workouts. In the study 3 groups including a no exercise control group were monitored, along with a standardized traditional exercise group who did traditional cardio and strength workouts, and a group that completed an integrated fitness training program who did cardio training along with functional and resistance training. To monitor intensity the standardized group exercised to a particular percentage of their heart rate, the IFT group exercised to particular ventilatory thresholds.


Exercise groups started a 13 weeks program with 3 weeks of cardio exercise only increasing in intensity each time by hitting either heart rate or ventilatory threshold targets; exercising 3 times a weeks increasing cardio training from 25 minutes a day in the first week to 50 minutes a day during weeks 9 to 13. Functional and/or resistance training was added to cardio workouts in the final 10 weeks of the study/program. The standardized group did circuit strength machines of 2 sets of 12 reps which included: bench press, seated row, shoulder press, seated leg press, and biceps curls. The IFT group did a circuit with free weights and machines allowing free motion, increasing the number of reps and/or weights from week to week which included: step-ups with dumbbells, modified pull-ups, standing one arm cable row, kneeling/standing wood chop and hay balers, and stability ball circuit of hip bridges, crunches, planks, and Russian twists.


After completing the program 36% of the standardized group had 0 increases in VO2 max and were classed as being nonresponders. 100% of the participants in the IFT group showed increases in VO2 max which is an important fitness marker, and also showed more changes in body fat percentages, balance, blood pressure, and muscular strength testing using leg press and bench press techniques.


Traditional weight machine approaches may underestimate intensity for some people, meaning they may not hit threshold needed to achieve results; most of the standardized workouts are done while seated which will not get the body woking as hard as dynamic movements such as step-ups, squats, pull-ups, standing wood chops, and lunges which were included in the IFT group which may help to explain why that group saw better results.


People are encouraged to just hit the gym and that any exercise is better than no exercise, which is true as getting the body moving is not a bad thing. This study highlights why just going to the gym and wasting hours on so-so meh workouts may not actually be helping all that much if you are a nonresponder. You are better off turning up the intensity whether that be through lifting free weights, bodyweight workouts, or functional fitness routines the choice is yours to help break that plateau.


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