Wednesday, October 16, 2024
HomeAmino AcidsNo Yolking About It, The Egg Battle Continues

No Yolking About It, The Egg Battle Continues

Studies suggest that regular consumption of eggs could help to enhance insulin resistance by improving the effectiveness of the hormone at metabolizing glucose. University of Eastern Finland evaluated the effects of eating eggs on those vulnerable to Type 2 diabetes, and were able to identify the preventive impact of several unidentified compounds that appeared to stop metabolic disease from appearing in participants.

2,682 men between the ages of 42-60 were recruited to participate in the study who filled out several questionnaires regarding the number of foods consumed which was used to compute the daily egg intake; participants also underwent examinations over an average period of 19.3 years, by the end of the follow up period 432 participants displayed symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.

After completion of first phase of the study the team analyzed egg consumption of the participants on a closer basis, 264 participants were selected with a BMI ranging from 20-30. Members of the new cohort were divided into 4 groups: high intake consuming an egg a day for a total of seven per week; low intake consuming no more than two eggs per week; and the other two groups consisted of participants that either remained healthy or developed Type 2 diabetes.

Serum levels of all participants were analyzed to identify compounds responsible for any anti-diabetic activity that may be found in eggs; based on findings those that ate one egg a day experienced much lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Higher levels of tyrosine and an unidentified compound were found in those who only ate two eggs per week; tyrosine is an amino acid associated with a two fold increase in the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and the identified compound was also contributed to chances of diabetes.

Based on their findings published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, dietary cholesterol acquired from eggs did not exert an effect on the potential onset of diabetes, rather eggs contained compounds that help to reduce levels of tyrosine and other harmful chemicals. Men may be able to improve their odds of avoiding Type 2 diabetes by eating eggs every day as eggs could help to lower levels of two chemical associated with risk of developing metabolic disease.

“Eggs are an especially rich source of several bioactive compounds, such as carotenoids and choline, which have been shown to have beneficial effects on, for example, insulin resistance, inflammation, and lipid oxidation and metabolism.” says Jyrki K. Virtanen.

However, a separate study with different findings published in JAMA Network involving 29,615 adults pooled from 6 cohort studies with an average follow up of 17.5 years found for each additional 300mg of dietary cholesterol consumed was associated with a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality; each additional half egg consumed per day was associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease incident and all cause mortality. Meaning among American adults higher consumption of eggs or dietary cholesterol was associated with increased risk of CVD and all cause mortality in a dose response manner.

It appears as though the battle of whether or not they are good or bad is still producing science on both sides of the gate. Perhaps it may be best to keep in mind the old phrase suggesting that all things are best when in moderation. Eggs are a good source of proteins and other nutrients matching a healthy lifestyle. Those concerned of diabetes should look for eggs that come from a supply of free range organic farms.


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