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HomeNutritionDietNatural Ways To Kick-Start Metabolism

Natural Ways To Kick-Start Metabolism

Metabolism is the process of the body converting food into energy/glucose, the faster metabolism works the more calories you burn, and the more efficient your body becomes. Slow metabolism can cause issues on weight management goals and strategies. 

“Metabolism decreases as we age and with loss of lean body mass (which is metabolically active tissue).” according to Krista Scott-Dixon, Ph.D. 

Simple movements have been shown to help boost metabolism, a study published in the journal Current Opinions in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity posited that spontaneous physical activity was inversely related to weight gain, but if you don’t naturally move around more often it may be best to start being more mindful of your activity. The Mayo clinic suggests pacing, walking, or standing can burn up to 500 more calories a day by always being in motion. 

Low iron levels are associated with low metabolism according to a study published in the journal La Clincia Terapeutica. Iron helps to carry oxygen to muscles, if low muscles will fatigue easily and metabolism will slow down. It is best to keep levels in check, foods high in iron such as beans and dark greens as well as supplements can help.

Coffee can stimulate metabolism and the nervous system to break down more fat cells, as well as increasing adrenaline which leads to increased metabolism according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which showed metabolism rate increased after drinking coffee.

Regular strength/resistance training can also assist in keeping metabolism in shape. Lifting weights tears down muscle tissues, and as the body recovers/rebuilds it uses calories. A study published in the journal Applied Physiology suggests the process increases resting metabolic rates, which means burning more calories while you are resting. Strength/resistance training increases anabolic hormones which will also stimulate muscle recovery and fat burning, just 2-3 sessions per week can really help you to stay/get healthy. 

It is important to not starve yourself as when the body thinks it is starving it will go into fat conservation mode. To keep the body feeling like it is safe to burn the calories you eat, you have to keep the supply up with healthy foods. When you are not eating the entire body’s system slows down according to a study published in Biochemistry. Skipping breakfast is not going to do the body any favors either, according to a study published in the journal Gastroenterology and Hepatology breakfast kick starts metabolism. 

Having a properly functioning thyroid is critical to metabolic function, as it produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate. Those with underperforming thyroid are often overweight or seem to be unable to lose weight despite all best efforts. 

A study published in the Journal of Obesity showed that HIIT workouts are related to increased metabolism, these short and intense workouts are great for the heart, brain, bones, and cardiovascular system and included a 2:1 ratio for work to recovery. This forces the cardiorespiratory and circulatory systems to activate, then the body consumes more oxygen at higher rates to blast calories and jolt the metabolic rate. 


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