Friday, January 10, 2025
HomeLongevityHow Old Are You Really?

How Old Are You Really?

Many of us are becoming inundated with information that suggests we age too quickly and aren’t getting any better at staying younger. Perhaps this is a bit of a scare tactic in order to keep us tied to the medical physician that we are assigned to in our Insurance plan. Perhaps it’s big Pharma’s way of keeping you in “the system.” After all, isn’t our biological age just a way of us knowing we’re aging well?

In actuality, knowing your biological age stems from research done by the Anti-Aging community can actually help you understand how to better care for yourself as you do age. Studies are coming out about biological age that are helping Anti-Aging doctors do a better job at treating their patients that are doing their best to stay young. By testing cells for proteins they can tell a person’s aging factor and how old they truly are. These are of course affected by external factors such as diet, exercise and other activities like smoking.

Your ability to tell what that age is does warrant you going to an anti-aging physician for a blood test. What it does for your doctor is it gives them a base line; paths to where they need to focus on helping you maximize your ability to keep that youthful look. Eventually finding that one that works best for you is what they will either suggest or prescribe. This new study has actually been published in the Open Access Journal Scientific Report published by Nature Publishing Group. It states that you can tell the biological age of a person by reading the proteins, and the associated factors around it.

So what does this mean for you, the practitioner that has invested tons of time and effort into your patients’ wellbeing?
For starters, you have now the ability to back up your progress charts to your treatments that you prescribe to your patients. Imagine being able to have a baseline of data showing where your patient’s biological age was at the beginning of your treatment plan, and comparing it to how much they’ve gotten younger or virtually reversed the aging process? Wouldn’t that give you a real position of credibility? Your patients already trust you enough to try your treatments. Now you can build their trust even more with actual data that backs up your treatment plans!

How does this equate to any other tests you may have prescribed?
Hormone replacement therapy data is not so easy to explain to a lay person unless they’ve been thoroughly educated on what the data means. Here you have an easier method to show actual progress in cells literally reversing age; giving your patients something to really chew on. They can in turn have greater confidence that your treatment plan works. For you, you can have actual data showing whether or not actual anti-aging is working with the treatment plan you prescribe. This test makes it easier to tell when something is working and when something is not. Clearer data means quicker responses to treatment plans needing change.  

This testing can bring a new dimension to your practice in being able to foresee the need for a plan change, or maybe just a simple tweak. The comprehensive science may not yet be conclusive, but the test is there. This will continue to develop until there is a way to completely create greater targeted treatment plans that will make sense for your patients; increasing your ability to keep revenue or find new opportunities for revenue through other methods that can be deployed.

The goal is to help your patients succeed at fighting aging. Here’s a new way to tell if it’s working.

Open Access Journal Scientific Report, published by Nature Publishing Group


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