Thursday, October 17, 2024
HomeHealth TipsHoliday Stress And Bah Humbug Blues

Holiday Stress And Bah Humbug Blues


It’s surprisingly easy for the holidays to add to your stress level and it can get to you. All the pressure to find that perfect gift, it’s the busiest time of year to travel, drive or shop, the extra family get togethers that involve dealing with relatives you don’t know that well and really don’t want to be around, it just all adds up. You may not even realize just how much holiday stress has been weighing on you. Not to worry most times you can do simple things to ease up on some of that stress.


If you used to look forward to the holidays but you are now finding that you are can’t seem to get interested enough to engage, you may be experiencing holiday stress. Try to take a step back  to give yourself some needed time and space to practice some self care. Don’t feel bad if you need to stay home and miss a party or two now and then, you don’t need or do you owe it to anyone to always attend everything, it is perfectly ok to say no and stay home.


Tension has a way of building up in the body without us even realizing it. Quite often that tension crawls all the way your spine and gives you headaches and is a sign of anxiety. Jaw clenching is a condition in which a person clenches or grinds their teeth and results in jaw pain, it also a sign of anxiety. Stretching and yoga can combat that tension.


Sudden changes in your sleep pattern could be an indicator that you are more stressed than normal. Whether you are experiencing difficulty falling to sleep, having nightmares, or staying asleep, sleep can prove difficult to come by during the holidays. Try to avoid caffeine in the evening, and turn off your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. your favorite herbal tea may help you unwind, and a hot bath in lavender oil may help you fall to sleep faster.


The holidays are said to be the loneliest time of year, and it is common to have feelings of loneliness during it as everyone seems to be highlighting the perks of theirs. Resist the urge to compare your life with others and instead try to focus on the good things in your own life. Take some time to reach out to your family and friends that support you, and remember that just like everything else this holiday season will pass.


Some people are habitually late. If you are generally a prompt, punctual person and find yourself dragging your feet around, it may be a sign that your stressed. Set your alarm a bit earlier than normal, give yourself more time to get ready before having to go anywhere. Try not to overschedule yourself and over do it, it’s perfectly ok to say no even during the holiday season.


Pacing, being unable to sit still, nervous tapping, and fidgeting with pretty much anything you can get your hands on are all signs of stress.Try doing a short breathing exercise to help calm your mind, meditation might even help. Going for a walk outside may even help to ease that sense of restlessness and also ease your mind.


Unexpected acne starting to appear out of nowhere for what seems to be no reason could also be due to stress. It’s important to take extra care with your skin during times of high stress, and try to refrain from picking at those blemishes.


Our bodies crave carbohydrates and sugar when when become stressed. Instead of giving in and indulging in the big bad bag of sweets trying eating a handful of nuts or fresh fruit, which will help curb your cravings and help to settle your stress in another way.


Most people feel stress the most in their gut, some even refer to their gut as their second brain. Resist that common urge to overindulge in food and drink that you know is bad for you. Fortify your digestive tract during this stressful period of time by eating probiotic foods.


Being an over perfectionist and trying to control everything is also seen as a sign of stress. Being a perfectionist may be triggered by feeling of not being good enough that sometimes dealing with our families can be the biggest precursor for this mindset. Accept family and friends as they are, and remember that no one has to live up to anyone’s expectations but their own, including yourself. Set aside grievances for another more appropriate time. When you find yourself being too hard on yourself try to stop and remember something that you are good at or being, focus on your positive qualities and don’t worry about not being perfect, no one is.


If you are stressed it is best to try to avoid alcohol which is a stimulant in small quantity but turns into a depressant in larger amounts. Nicotine and caffeine are stimulants that can make even the most calmest person jittery. Stick to your budget, remember you can’t buy happiness. Remain realistic nothing is perfect, nor does it have to be. Getting some exercise will give your body a boost of endorphins. Keep up your healthy habits. Guided meditation is easy and can help clear your mind. Talk to someone for support, perhaps even talk about good times, share a few laughs, laughing really is good for your mind and may help you to relieve some stress. Try writing things down, perhaps a gratitude journal which could be as simple as writing down a few positive things that make you happy or that you are grateful for, this may help you pass this stressful time. Remember like all things, it will pass. You can beat these bah humbug blues.



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