Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeHealthcareHealthcare and InformationCali-Corona


This order aims to close virtually all businesses to keep residents at home falling in line with suggestions from experts that started in January saying that extreme measures are needed to get ahead and prevent this virus from overwhelming the healthcare system at a time when it will be needed the most. 

Recently the FDA green lighted 2 new tests and the president announced America will finally be opening the testing sites which have been desperately needed since January to help identify those who may be infected for quarantine and slow the spread. In new national guidelines the president is urging Americans to avoid gathering of more than 10 people, to halt unnecessary travel or shopping, to stop frequenting bars, and to stop drinking and dining out. 

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti issued an emergency order to close all gyms, entertainment venues, bars, nightclubs, and restaurants with the exception of delivery and take out; some city services will be remaining open with restrictions. In attempts to help those staying at home LA will also be temporarily stopping ticketing all cars during street sweeping and relax enforcement of some parking rules. 

Recently working from home is being more readily adapted by companies and restaurants have been heavily pushing takeout and delivery, encouraging people to buy meal kits and selling boxed up inventory for people to cook at home. Delivery apps have started to lower or waive commissioned fees from partner restaurants, and some dining establishments that didn’t have delivery options are beginning to. 

Even amid this grocery store chains report having NO SHORTAGE of food in Los Angeles; local representatives ask the residents remain calm and take their time to continue to allow stores to be able to restock their shelves and give priority to seniors that are waiting in lines. 

LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva says that the presence of deputies will be increased in the field with efforts being focused on shopping centers, supermarkets, and big box stores as a precautionary measure in case any sort of conflict should arise. 

The LA County Public Health Department suggests that residents should assume someone in their neighborhood is infected and may not even be aware because they have no symptoms or very mild symptoms. 

According to W.H.O the virus will cause a mild respiratory infection in about 80% of those infected, about half will have pneumonia and another 15% will develop severe illness with at least 5% needing critical care; and stresses that fundamental public health interventions can still help to limit the spread and drive down cases of transmission even in areas where it is spreading rapidly as the work from authorities in China, Singapore, and South Korea are showing. 


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