Wednesday, October 16, 2024
HomeHealth TipsBattle Of The Belly

Battle Of The Belly


Losing belly fat has never been easy, it’s a difficult place to firm and tone up. Low carb, low fat diets are often recommended to help obtain the best results. There are things that you can do that can help in the battle of the bulge. Some are simple changes that can help greatly, others being more difficult. The important thing is to come up with a plan and stick to it.


Walking is good exercise, a plus being that it can get you out of the house to enjoy some fresh air to soak in some sunshine.  Perhaps a weekly walk with friends to catch up on things can make it more appealing. The benefits of walking become greater the more you do it. If you get a walking buddy it is more likely that you will stick with the program, and you can both motivate each other to get out more.


If you are really looking to shed those inches, aerobics and cardio are still the way to go. It can burn 67% more calories than strength training and it benefits the entire body. If you get an exercise buddy, you can motivate each other to try new things, and keep up the program. There really isn’t anything you can do, nonsurgically, that works better than physical activity.


Increasing the amount of fiber in your diet is also another tactic. For every 10 gms of fiber consumed in your daily diet, your bell will carry nearly 4% less fat. Great sources of fiber include fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains and beans.


Adjust what you order when you go to restaurants and avoid fried fast food place. Take your time looking over the menu, look for healthier choices, don’t be afraid to ask for the dressing on the side, or be pushy to ensure you get what you need. Portion sizes are generally huge, don’t overeat. Try to order first if possible. Generally this will mean a shorter wait time before your order arrives, so you will not feel like you are starving when it arrives and end up overeating.


Beware of the evils of too much sodium.  Too much alt in your diet will cause you to retain more fluids which will contribute to water weight, along with contributing to other not so good things. Monitor your salt intake and always try to find low sodium alternatives.


Clean the house. Vacuuming and doing the windows can actually provide you with a good midsection workout, especially while tightening the abs. Results are a double win, you’ll have a cleaner home while working in that smaller tummy. Tucking in your tummy while doing any housework is a simple way to help tone those muscles while you go about your day.


Wiping the windshield.: You lie face up with your arms extended, palms down, and have your legs bent in a 90 degree angle with your feet off of the floor. Keeping you ab muscles tight lower one leg  to the floor slowly while keeping your shoulders flat against the floor, then raise the leg up again, and repeat with the other leg. Do 20 reps of this daily. It will help fighting off that belly.


The Spiderman Climber: Assume plank position, legs and arms extended, hands beneath shoulders and feet flexed. Keeping the bas tight bend your leg out to the side and bring the knee towards the elbow slowly, pause, return to start position, then alternate to the other side. Do 20 reps alternating sides daily. This can also help to target belly fat.


Drop that soda habit. All those calories you ge from those fizzy carbonated drinks wind up on your tummy. Soda is not healthy for you in many ways, your body will thank you for leaving them behind. Try sparkling water, or unsweetened iced tea instead.


Too much alcohol in the diet can raise levels of cortisol which can send fat straight to your waistline. Try to avoid alcohol, or opting for virgin drinks which will save you a lot of calories.


Kayaking is tons of fun and will provide a great workout for the abdominal muscles as well as the upper body. A plus being the fun part, it gets you moving and out of the house, and is something you can get a friend interested in to do together. Tennis is another win win activity.


Consuming sunflower seeds is a good source of monounsaturated fats. Adding them to your diet is a benefit and can be as simple as sprinkling them in a salad, or having as a healthy snack. Try to opt for the unsalted varieties.


Salmon and other fish are great sources of fat busting Omega 3 fatty acids which also help battle fat. Try to consume fish servings several times a week.


Enjoy avocadoes. By adding them to your diet that are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids it may stop the sugar spikes that may lead to the addition of belly fat. They are easy to work into the diet, ¼ cup serving daily will help to ward off fat without overdoing it.


Water. Water and proper hydration is key to so many things. Adequate hydration keeps your entire body functioning properly, including the metabolism. Your body requires more water while you are exercising. Drinking more water makes you feel fuller and will help you to avoid between meal snacking and overeating, while it flushes the system.


Know when you are actually hungry, and not just eating because you are bored for something to do. Watch those extra calories. Overeating and binge eating can contribute to that unwanted bulge. Try slicing up fruits and vegetables and keep them ready for snacks to make better choices, it goes along way to stop adding to that build up of extra fat.



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