Monday, March 17, 2025
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Aspirin Found To Have No Benefits For Older Adults

An aspirin a day has been suggested to help stave off cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. However new research confirms what many have suspected, that this notion is nothing but another pharmaceutical promoted farce. This study has produced findings that are a slap to the face of Big Pharma and their shills, who after decades of spending to reinforce their pharmaceuticals are the pathway to health as it turns out are yet more of their words, this time to the wonders of aspirin, are more of fiction than that of fact.

Research has long indicated that the daily aspirin routine was doing more harm than good. Big Pharma drugs seem to rarely promote overall health even though that is what they are allegedly designed to do. Aside from antibiotics many struggle to think of a single drug that actually cures anything,outside of just managing symptoms enough to keep you coming back for more. The idea that Big Pharma would produce a drug that will magically prevent heart disease and boost heart health has always been a hard pill to swallow for many, as there’s more money to be made in treating symptoms not in actual cures.

Green Med Info reports research revealing healthy older adults having no benefit from daily aspirin intake; and taking baby aspirin daily increased the risk of adverse health outcomes; daily aspirin intake was specifically associated with increased risk of mortality that was largely attributed to cancer.

35,817 adults were involved in this study who were aged 65+ and were part of a large scale study across Australia(16,793 participants) and the USA(19,114 participants). Dr. Anne Murray stated they knew there would be increased risk of bleeding with aspirin(100 milligrams a day or placebo for on average 4.7 years), but did not know that it did not decrease risks of disability, death, stroke, or heart attack, or that it would increase rate of death.

Administration of aspirin was found to ultimately offer zero health benefits to healthy seniors, rather it seemed to increase risk of cancer and overall risk of death. These “surprising” findings are diametrically opposed to conventional belief of aspirin being protective and supportive of good health.

This is not the first study to challenge the reputation of aspirin. A cohort of researchers from the UK and Netherlands found the aspiring a day routine to increase risk of heart attack by up to 190% in 2017. This study included 30,000 patients with atrial fibrillation; of these those subjects given aspirin were 1.9 times more likely to have a heart attack than those given warfarin.

Dr. Leo Stolk explains an increased risk of heart attacks was identified among current and past aspirin users in comparison with VKAs; and doubt exists about the usefulness of aspirin in atrial fibrillation.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for cold and flu symptoms such as aspirin have been shown to be not all that it is cracked up to be by a study involving over 9,000 patients who took painkillers like aspirin to treat respiratory infection were over three times as likely to suffer a heart attack than those who did not.

Other multiple reports show similar trends of aspirin not preventing heart attacks, even in targeted populations, and it may cause more health issues. Science seems to be settled overall on aspirin even if the propaganda pushing big pharma industry isn’t ready to or won’t admit to it.

Dr. Evan Hadley of the National Institute on Aging says any elderly person taking aspirin should think twice about it, such studies give pause and reason for older people and physicians to think carefully about the choice of low dose aspirin on a regular basis; and in many cases the right answer may be not to.


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