Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeHealthcareHealthcare and InformationAspartame: One Of The Tops To Avoid

Aspartame: One Of The Tops To Avoid

The controversial sugar substitute is devoid of any actual nutrients, contains 4 calories per gram, and is about 180-200 times sweeter than sucrose. It’s claim to fame is being touted as safe for human consumption which is why it can be commonly found in sodas/pop, chewing gum, sugarless candy, sugar free ice creams, and calorie reduced juices.

This synthetic product was discovered by chance after combining two substances together which were inadvertently ingested. Aspartame is a synthetic compound of aspartic acid and phenylalanine, 10% of its molecular structure is methanol. According to NaturalNews a European Patent which can be viewed online reveals that this product is produced as the byproduct of a genetically modified E. coli bacteria. 

After being ingested the body breaks down aspartame to create wood alcohol and formaldehyde, which are not really beneficial to the body. Wood alcohol can cause vision damage and blindness, and formaldehyde makes the body more prone to infection and can cause pneumonia. 

Aspartame has been studied extensively, but many of those were sponsored by the food industry and others who stand to gain from continued use and sale of this artificial sweetener. 92% of other studies conducted by non-industry sponsors have reported one or more health problems associated with the synthetic product. 

Among the health problems linked to Aspartame are several cancers, loss of cognition, loss of neurological function, memory loss, brain lesions, brain tumors, headaches, migraines, addiction, mental disorders, depression, seizures, vision loss, mild rashes, fatigue, and kidney function decline. 

Aspartame is also highly addictive and a sudden stop of use can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, brain fog, flu like symptoms, headache, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, anger, and depression. 

Although suggested to help with weight management, consumption of this artificial product can actually lead to weight gain. Studies suggest that aspartame can actually increase appetite to raise calorie consumption by 30% which is believed to be due to it tricking the brain into believing it has received a sugar fix, only to leave the body unsatisfied and craving. 

Austin Broer of Health Masters explains, “When ‘regular’ sugar is eaten, dopamine is released in the brain and blood sugar levels rise, causing a secondary stimulation to produce dopamine. When eating artificial sweeteners, dopamine produces the initial sensation of pleasure, but the second effect doesn’t occur because sugar-free sweeteners have no impact on blood sugar levels. As a result, the body sends signals requesting more food to compensate.”


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