Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeFunctional FoodsAn Apple A Day

An Apple A Day

Apples are pomaceous fruits produce from apple trees belonging to the Rosaceae family. Apples are widely considered to be one of the most popular and delicious fruits to be eaten, they can be rather tart to sweet and can quench thirst while satisfying a sweet tooth and boosting health all in one bite. There are upwards of 7,500 varieties of apples coming in a variety of colours, namely green, yellow, and red. Apple skin is thin but sturdy covering a thick juicy flesh that softens as it ripens. Inner core holds seeds which are dangerous and should not be consumed. Flesh and skin of apples contains nutrients that are a rich source of tannins and anthocyanins that are beneficial to health.


The delicious fruits are free of cholesterol, fat, and sodium. Apples high dietary fiber, antioxidant, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, C, and K content are responsible for a long list of varied health benefits, and are energy dense water rich fruits that help to keep you full, which are often called nutritional powerhouses. A single serving provides 12% of daily fiber requirements. Apples are also loaded with phytonutrients and flavonoids such as epicatechin, quercetin, phloridzin, and other polyphenolic compounds.


Rich in fiber apples aid in digestion. Eating apples on a regular basis helps to ensure smooth bowel movements, alleviate hemorrhoids, and prevent diarrhea, constipation, IBS, and other stomach disorders, while stimulating release of gastric acids and digestive juices to help ensure efficient nutrient uptake, simultaneously scraping excess cholesterol to ensure proper heart health and reduce chances of atherosclerosis.


You are the apple of my eye has meaning as apples make the eyes stronger and improve eyesight and help to treat night blindness and degenerative macular conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts with their rich flavonoid compounds and antioxidant phytonutrients that reduce impact of free radicals.


Apples have been shown to moderate improvement in treating various types of cancer showing distinct and undeniable capacity to help reduce lung cancer and slow spread if it does develop with the exact mechanism for the impact still being unknown.


Pectin within apples acts like a probiotic to help improve the functioning of bacteria living in the large intestine, stimulating the metabolism within the digestive tract and promote good bacteria in the gut. Prebiotic effects of apples can lead to improved health by maximizing nutrient uptake and eliminating harmful bacteria and toxins.


Regular consumption of apples has been shown to reduce the risk of thrombotic strokes.


Apples are a rich source of iron and can be helpful in treating anemia by increasing the number of red blood cells within the body helping to prevent anemia and ensure proper oxygenation of essential organ systems, resulting in enhanced blood circulation and proper functioning of organ systems.


Vitamin C, protein, and antioxidant compound within apples play key roles in preventing weakness, improving muscle tone, boosting immunity, detoxifying the body, and helping to improve overall health.


People who suffer from diabetes may benefit from consuming apples as the polyphenols contained within them are directly linked to reducing uptake of carbohydrates, reducing fluctuation of blood sugar levels that occur in the bloodstream which is key to keeping diabetes in check. Polyphenols also help to lower glucose absorption in the GI tract and stimulate release of insulin from the pancreas helping to keep blood sugar levels in check, while stimulating insulin receptors on cells helping to speed up removal of sugar from the bloodstream to get it to the cells for metabolism and proper organ function.


Apples help clean the teeth and gums; fibre cleanses them while antibacterial properties keep bacteria and viruses from infecting the body, while stimulating secretion of saliva reducing ability of bacteria to multiply and grow in the mouth.


Phytonutrient compounds and antioxidant effect in apples help to reduce degeneration of the brain that leads to Alzheimer’s that has been linked to free radical activity, apples stop gradual breakdown of dopamine producing nerve cells which can be an underlying cause of disease. Acetylcholine is increased in the brain by eating apples which is linked to improved memory, concentration, and problem solving.


Studies have shown that apples have remarkable anti-inflammatory behavior in regards to asthma, quercetin flavonoids in apple skin help to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.


Apples can help to lower risks for stroke and other heart ailments with their antioxidant properties and polyphenol epicatechin that decrease oxidation of lipid fat peroxidation and neutralizing fats within blood vessels that can exert pressure and inflammation.


Soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol, regular consumption of apples can result in a 23% decrease in LDL and 4% increase in HDL in 6 months making apples a strong defense mechanism against cardiovascular disease.


Quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol within apples has been linked to reducing inflammatory conditions such as gout and arthritis.



High water and fiber content help to increase satiety reducing appetite and overeating, while speeding up metabolism helping with weight loss.


Powerful antioxidants can help to counteract damaging effects of free radicals directly linked to age spots, wrinkles, aging and other age related conditions, by increasing circulation to help keep skin looking young and toned, stimulating replacement of old cells, repairing damaged ones, and acne prevention.


Chlorogenic and catechin acid helps to protect stomach lining from injury due to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Pectin within apples helps to control excess cholesterol within the body, solidification results in gallstones.


Minerals, vitamins, and fiber contained within apples help to flush out toxins from the liver.


Washing hair in apple juice can help to prevent dandruff, as a conditioners it gives hair a healthy shiny look.


This delicious and beneficial fruit can be eaten raw, baked, frozen, juiced, minced, mashed, drank, and even dried into chips for a healthy sweet snack. Even the seed can be useful as oil extracted from them has many applications mostly in the cosmetic industry with benefits including reducing appearance of wrinkles, acne, and moisturizing skin.


It is best to buy apples when they are firm, avoiding ones that are soft, bruised, or with wrinkles as that mean they have lost most health benefits and nutritional value. Keep apples that are overripe or beginning to rot away from others, as ripe apples metabolize nutritional resources releasing ethylene gas which can stimulate rapid ripening and rot others, making it wise to remove or keep them seperate.


Apple seeds should not be consumed as they contain poisonous cyanide, excess intake could be fatal. It is possible that apples may cause allergic reactions to some people. Apples may interfere with certain medications, talk to a doctor to find out to be safe. Lactating and expecting mothers should avoid intaking apple tea as it may have potential to harm the baby.



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