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HomeLifestyleAmerica Has Become A Tired Nation

America Has Become A Tired Nation

There was a decrease in total average sleep time for Americans, most can’t even log a solid 6 hours. In 2018 the average respondent reported sleeping 6 hours and 17 minutes per night, jump to 2019 that average decreased to being only 5 hours and 30 minutes per night, if this trend continues 2020 could be even worse. 

The average is well under the recommended 8 hours of sleep, but apparently the lack of sleep is not from lack of trying to attain a good night of sleep. In 2019 the average respondent said they would be willing to pay at least $316.61 just to get one full night of perfect sleep, this is up from $290 in 2018. 

All in the annual survey found that 1 in 4 Americans slept poorly in 2019 consistently, averaging 105 terrible nights of sleep compared to 99 in the previous year. Americans took more naps in 2019 averaging 155 afternoon naps compared to 93 in 2018. Many even had trouble napping with 102 reporting failed naps. 

Americans were able to enjoy 120 good nights of sleep which was defined as falling asleep quickly and not waking until the morning. Those who slept on their backs tended to sleep better, in both 2018 and 2019 those who typically slept on their backs were found to enjoy a more consistent sleep pattern. Sleeping on one side was found to be the most common sleeping position, but those who did also appeared to have the most trouble falling asleep. 

Sleeping along side of a pet was found to promote a better night of sleep; 7 in 10 reported sleeping with a pet constantly experiencing perfectly well rest which is a 24% increase over those who slept perfectly well without a pet. 

Apps and devices that track sleeping are becoming increasingly popular but 70% of those in this survey report not using such technology. 

“I recommend practicing a bedtime routine – even something as simple as putting on a sleep mask each night, reading in bed for 20 minutes or practicing the same shower routine at the same time every night – signals to your brain it’s time to hit the hay,” says Dr. Sujay Kansagra, a sleep health expert. “Creating a bedtime routine that lasts for 20-30 minutes and sticking to that routine can make all the difference in your energy, productivity and mood.”

Many people follow rituals before going to bed, the top 10 were found to be: reading at 43%; watching TV at 42%; taking a supplement at 36%; taking a bath/shower 36%; warm milk 36%; meditating 36%; sex 29%; planning the next day 26%; tea 25%; and 23% use a background sound machine. 

Some people reported using their mobile devices in bed for an average of 12.5 minutes while in bed, but most experts agree on staying away from devices before and while in bed:

“Your bed should be reserved for sweet dreams only – not tossing and turning all night due to distractions, such as noise and light,” comments Dr. Kansagra. “Bright light, such as electronics or outside lighting, can decrease the body’s production of a natural sleep hormone, melatonin, and leave you feeling wide awake.”

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