Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Daniel Rudman, M.D., the main pioneer researcher of HGH in 1986, determined IGF-1 levels under 350 to be indicative of deficiency. He found that from age 20-40 years, 95% of healthy men have IGF-1 levels greater than 350. However, after 60 years old 30% of healthy men drop below 350 and after 65 years old well over 50% of the population have very low levels of HGH.

However, when properly stimulated, the pituitary gland has the ability to release as much HGH as it did during it’s 20’s; it’s ability to produce hormone does not decline. On the other hand, the hypothalamus which stimulates HGH levels to begin with, becomes less responsive to the body’s requests for GH as we age. In fact, it also secretes Somatostatin which suppresses HGH and other hormones causing aging.

From his breakthrough pioneer work in 1986 using recombinant injectable growth hormone on a group of seniors Dr. Rudman and his team discovered the following body improvements:

  • memory improvement
  • fewer wrinkles
  • thicker skin with more collagen
  • less cellulite
  • better vision
  • increased energy
  • better exercise performance and an 8.8% increased muscle mass
  • 14.4% reduction in body fat
  • a stronger heart with improved cardiac output
  • stronger bones
  • decreased osteoporosis
  • improved wound healing
  • organ revitalization
  • shorter healing time for wounds

Just as our face wrinkles and body parts droop and loosen, so do our organs decrease in size and output with age. However, bodybuilders who inject high levels of HGH have been known to develop an enlarged abdomen due to the fact that the HGH has actually increased the size an output of their organs.

In updating the original Rudman study reported in JAMA 9n 1968, Dr. Cass Terry M.D., PhD, in 1999 reported on a study completed by Blackman and Harman which looked at 125 patients (71 males and 52 females age 65-88) receiving HGH injections over a six-month period of time. The results proved the ability to reverse aging by raising hormones to the levels of healthy young adults. In the study one group was given just growth hormone via injection, while the other males were injected with a combination of HGH and testosterone. The female group received a combination of HGH and estrogen. A third group was only given a placebo.

Impressive anti-aging results were astounding with improvement in the following:

  • attitude and emotional stability improved in 62% of patients
  • energy levels increased in 84% of patients
  • skin texture, thickness and elasticity improved in over 68% of patients
  • frequency and duration or sexual intercourse improved in nearly 75% of patients.

Practically all HGH studies since the original by Rudman demonstrate the above improvements.


Dr. Ron Klatz MD, DO

Dr. Bob Goldman MD, DO

Dr. Nick Delgado MD

By: Dr. Michael J. Koch, Editor for and Dr. Ronald Klatz, DO, MD President of the A4M which has 28,000 Physician Members, and has trained over 150,000 physicians, health professionals and scientists around the world in the new specialty of Anti-Aging Medicine. A4M physicians are now providing advanced preventative medical care for over 10’s of Million individuals worldwide who now recognize that aging is no longer inevitable.


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