Wednesday, October 16, 2024


There are a variety if factors which cause the condition, yet there is not a known cure for adenomyosis, but many home remedies are helpful which includes, aromatherapy, heating pads, yoga, warm baths, ginger, magnesium, calcium, turmeric, shepherd’s purse, vitex, and keishi-bukuryo-gan.

Adenomyosis is highly estrogen dependent, menopause plays a natural cure by decreasing the amount of estrogen in the body. Hormonal therapy and anti-inflammatory medicines can decrease effects of the condition, for those wanting to avoid pharmaceuticals there are natural herbal remedies that may work for you.


Ginger is loaded with powerful gingerol antioxidants which act as anti-inflammatory agents and help keep the uterus functioning normally. It is also a natural analgesic that reduces pain from menstruation. Tea is probably the best method to obtain benefits, but adding it to food is always an option.


Turmeric helps to reduce inflammation and regulate menstruation. Adding it to a glass of milk is a great way to decrease adenomyosis induced inflammation.


Calcium and magnesium  rich foods balance menstrual processes, these minerals can help to eliminate symptoms or decrease severity.


Shepherd’s purse herb is used to treat adenomyosis as it is known to cause uterine contractions, constricting blood vessels, and reduces blood flow during menstruation as well as peripheral adenomyosis bleeding. As  shepherd’s purses causes uterine contractions this herb should not be used during pregnancy.


Dried vitex fruit from the chaste tree can help with symptoms, as it contains compounds which mimic hormone effects, acting as testosterone and progesterone inhibiting production of other hormones such as estrogen, which the condition relies on.


Keishi-bukuryo-gan is a treatment popular in Japan, which roughly translates to cinnamon mushroom tablet. This herbal remedy has been used in traditional medicines to treat and cure menstrual disorders for many years successfully.


Many women find comfort in a warm bath with their favorite scent burning, followed by ginger tea, and a heating pad, for an all natural relief from discomfort.


Yoga recenters the body and moderates hormonal balance. It can decrease cramping, discomfort, and lessen the impact of symptoms. Yoga stretches the body, helping to boost metabolism, increase health, and eliminate toxins which can naturally decrease inflammation and pain from adenomyosis.


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