Thursday, March 27, 2025
HomeHealth Tips5 Skin Problems In Dogs: Causes And Solutions

5 Skin Problems In Dogs: Causes And Solutions

Apart from following acceptable pet hygiene practices, it is also imperative for dog owners to opt for skin-friendly dog collars that aren’t harsh and are durable. It will keep skin infections away from your furry friend. Read on to learn more about these common problems in dogs, their causes, and the solutions. 

1) Atopy:

Atopy is a hypersensitivity to very common and otherwise harmless substances in the environment. Because of these external triggers, dogs tend to rub, chew, or lick their skin, especially their tummy, paws, ears, armpits, and rear end. This may cause their skin to redden and thicken. Although it can develop at any age, it is more common in young dogs between the age of one and three years. 

Causes: Exposure to pollens, dust mites, or moulds from the environment for a long period is the primary cause of Atopy. The immune system, therefore, labels it as a threat and triggers an allergic reaction.

Treatment: If your dog develops any of the signs of Atopic dermatitis, taking him/her to the vet as soon as possible would be the best option. Your vet may recommend anti-itch shampoos and steroids to solve the issue. 

2) Pyoderma:

The most common symptoms of such an infection include excessive scaling and red bumps, also known as pustules on the paws and abdomen. They are often pus-filled and look similar to pimples in humans. Hair loss and dry and flaky patches are a few other signs. 

Causes: Bacterial infections are usually the primary causes behind most cases of pyoderma. It usually occurs when a wound goes untreated or because of unhealthy and damaged skin. Inflammation and cancer in dogs can also result in Pyoderma.

Treatment: The treatment for Pyoderma in dogs varies according to each case. The typical treatment includes an antibiotic therapy of three to four weeks. Long Term or recurrent pyodermas may require eight to twelve weeks to heal completely.

3) Mange:

Are you bothered by your dog’s sudden hair loss? Mange, a common skin allergy may be the culprit. Demodectic Mange is more common out of the two and causes bald spots and sores, especially on the face. Canine scabies, on the other hand, causes intense itching and red skin. It is contagious and spreads quickly among dogs and humans, unlike demodectic Mange.

Causes: Demodex mites can thrive when there is any abnormality in the dog’s immune system. On the other hand, other infected dogs or wildlife are responsible for causing sarcoptic Mange or scabies.

Treatment: Each type of Mange follows a different treatment. However, some general suggestions by your vet may include using a dog shampoo that contains benzoyl peroxide, to open up the pores. Another competent advice is treating your dog with an insecticide dip such as lime sulfur. 

4) Hot spots:

Is your dog licking or scratching its skin incessantly? It may likely be suffering from hotspots. It is also known as moist dermatitis and usually occurs on the chest, head or hip. The infected part of the skin appears as a discrete wet patch. This reddened area is excruciating and itchy for the dogs and can even discharge pus. The inflammation causes these spots to become warm, because of which they are known as ‘hot spots’. 

Causes: The causes of hotspot include something as simple as a thorn stuck in the fur, a wound or a flea bite. It causes the dog to scratch and licks the infected part excessively, making the condition even worse. Moreover, if your dog has dandruff, likely, hotspots will soon follow because of the flaky and dry skin. 

Treatment: You can treat the hotspot by carefully trimming the hair surrounding the infected area. Sooth the hotspot to relieve the pain and then treat it by applying a topical treatment to prevent further growth. Continue to clean the area daily until the spot gets healed completely. 

5) Food allergies: 

You might not suspect that there is an association between your dog’s itching and food allergy. That is because you have fed the same food for an extended period. However, you must note that allergy to a few substances can develop over time. It results in irritable skin of the ears and bottom.

Causes: Food allergies in dogs occur when their immune system misidentifies a protein as an invader. This generates an immune response. Chicken, lamb, beef, soy, gluten and eggs are the most common allergens. 

Treatment: You should altogether avoid giving any food that causes such an allergy should. Instead, you must follow a hypoallergenic diet that would not trigger such skin problems.

Final thoughts:

Being a pet parent, you must arm yourselves with the right information so that you can notice a potential problem quickly before it becomes more severe. With your willingness and prompt actions, you can take better care of your dog. Furthermore, if the problem persists, then you should get in touch with your veterinarian to remedy the issue. 

Article courtesy of Grace Hawkins, content writer, blogger, animal and health advocate. 

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