A £50 million research initiative, aimed at giving people “50 Active Years After 50,” is being launched by the University of Leeds. Recognizing that improvements in healthcare, diet and lifestyle are helping us to live longer, the program addresses the issue of age-related cellular, tissue, and organ degeneration that lead to reductions in quality of life and our ability to contribute to society. “50 Active Years After 50” is developing new medical devices and regenerative therapies, ensuring that people can continue to be as active during their second half century as they were in their first. The research will focus on those areas most affected as we age — our joints, spine, teeth, heart and circulation — developing new technologies for tissue engineering and regeneration, longer lasting joint replacements and spinal interventions The program is expected to accelerate the translation of new discoveries into clinical practice. Over its first five years, it plans to develop ten new products and halve the time it takes to get new products to market.
50 Active Years After 50
NEWS SOURCE: “Science to ‘stop clock at age 50’,”, BBC News, Oct. 19, 2009; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8314442.stm