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HomeAgingOverview Of Longevity Warriors

Overview Of Longevity Warriors

There have always been stories of those who lived to be 110 years of age or older, but a codified system of tracking and verifying their claims did not always exist to separate fact from fiction and human error regarding claims of longevity. L. Stephen Coles, MD, PhD, created the GRG in 1990 to verify and catalogue such claims as part of a mission to  “slow and ultimately reverse age-related decline for more healthy years of life.”

Among the many trends and conclusions derived from the analysis across all continents the gender distribution of supercentenarians tends to favor females heavily by 90%; even when the overall numbers are low as seen in Africa and Australia the disparity remains. This trend carries across all cultures and disparate environmental factors; even within the supercentenarian group those at the oldest ages tend to be exclusively female.

The majority of socially active supercentenarians also appear to be female, both males and females in this longevity warrior grouping appear to have very little chronic age related conditions that would have otherwise rendered them immobile at these more advanced ages including cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction, but they also have no history of strokes or other severe physical issues. 

According to this report there are 1579 female and 160 male verified longevity warriors: 800 being 110 years old, 441 being 111 years old, 248 being 112 years old, 124 at 113 years old, 83 at 114 years old, 23 have reached 115 years old, 12 have reached 116 years old, and 2 have reached the age of 117+ years old. 

National demographics of all time top 100 supercentenarians has USA in the lead, but not as a dominant leader outpacing the next six nations due to population size, per capita Japan does better. Longest lived distributed per nation: USA 43, Japan 25, France 8, UK and Italy 5, Canada 3, Portugal and Puerto Rico as well as other countries 2. 

Supercentenarians also have an equally super and strong immune system, a recent study has revealed their immune cells have very unique characteristics that may be endowed with high resistance to non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and stroke. 

Another feature of their healthy long lifespan is maintaining relatively high cognitive function and physical independence even in later years. Basically these longevity warriors are spending their lives almost completely in good health due to the delayed onset of age related diseases and compression of morbidity. 

Key findings suggest that there are several factors that contribute to longevity:

  • Relationships, social inclusion, kindness, love, optimistic mindset, and a strong sense of community make you healthier and happier; numerous studies back this up with strong evidence showing associations between good health and positive emotions showing loneliness is harmful to health. 
  • Socio-economic status level appears to have an important effect on longevity indicators include higher overall economic development, public expenditure on health, standard of living, and the use of improved sanitation facilities.
  • Brain activity has roles on aging and longevity that have a significant influence on lifespan; neural activity is higher among those with shorter lifespan and lower in those who love longer. 
  • Regular physical exercise is important as it delivers huge health benefits ranging from keeping brain cells healthy by delivering more blood and oxygen to keeping muscles strong. 
  • After the age of 80 health, longevity, and almost everything in advanced ages is primarily due to genetic factors while lifestyle was found to play almost no factor from that point on.
  • Following a healthy balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is important to maintain a healthy body weight and shape; take supplements if required/recommended. 
  • Being conscientious may help to lower blood pressure and fewer psychiatric conditions, as well as lower the risk of diabetes and heart or joint problems. Being conscientious is referring to the ability to be goal oriented, positive, efficient, organized, and self disciplined. 

Currently Kane Tanka from Japan is the world’s oldest person. She is 116 years old as of August 27, 2019, putting her 7 years away from the all time record of 122 years old held by France’s Jeannne Louise Calment. Only 8 people have lived passed the age of 116, and only 2 people have been verified to have lived passed the age of 117. 

While only 2 people have been verified to have lived passed the age of 117, the fact that it has opens the door for others to aspire to live beyond that age and surpass the record. Thanks to advancements in healthcare and discoveries made in research it is very possible that someone alive right now could live, laugh, and love their way to become a longevity warrior aged 125 or more, especially if they follow a healthy lifestyle which includes keeping stress in check, being both physically and socially active, getting enough sleep, having a positive mindset, and following a healthy balanced diet.

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